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Molly Anne's Alterations- My Story So Far

Hi everyone,

For my first blog post, I wanted to share my story so far of why I created Molly Anne's Alterations, to give you all a chance to get to know a little bit about me and my business.

My journey started really when I was working as a support worker with vulnerable adults as part of my Adult Social Care apprenticeship. When I came to the end of my apprenticeship I noticed that I was having problems with anxiety and my overall health and decided that I wanted to take some time out from the daily workplace to get myself well before going for a full time job. This was when my partner, Owen, had the idea for me to start doing clothing alterations from my home in Cumbria, as he knew I loved sewing and wanted to eventually start my own business one day.

After deciding to give it a go, I put out a post on social media to say if anyone in the local area needed any clothes altered, to get in touch. I loved interacting with new customers and applying my skills to all their different needs so wanted to keep it going as long as I could. Over the following months I had so many local customers reach out with various different projects for me and I noticed that there was actually a huge shortage of services like this available to people at a convenience and an affordable price.

In December 2022, I moved to Oxfordshire to live with my partner and start our new life together there. Initially I thought this was the end of Molly Anne's as the great customer base I had built up were all in Cumbria, but after taking some time out I thought, what if I make my services available from anywhere in the UK? This way my customers from Cumbria could send me their clothes to alter and I can also work on growing a wider audience.

This is when I created my website for Molly Anne's Alterations. My goal now is to provide people all over the UK with affordable and convenient access to high quality clothing alterations from the comfort of your own home. I am passionate about creating a more sustainable future in fashion and providing clothing alteration and mending services allows me to work towards this and encourage people to keep their imperfect items, by making them perfect.

For everyone who has supported me and my business along the journey so far, thank you! I can't wait to see what developments the future brings for Molly Anne's Alterations!

Molly x

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